Frequently asked questions about data security incident at Michael Garron Hospital

This page includes answers to frequently asked questions from our valued donors and supporters.

Is it safe to donate online?

Yes. remains a secure website and our donation pages encrypt donor information to safely transmit it to a third-party database.

I’d like to donate, what are my options?

Michael Garron Hospital Foundation remains a safe place to donate. You can do so:

  • Online at, which is a secured portal
  • By mailing a cheque payable to our office at 825 Coxwell Avenue, Office A128, Toronto, ON  M4C 3E7
  • With your credit card when you call 416-469-6003

If you’d prefer, you can also drop by the foundation office at A128 during business hours. Our team is pleased to assist.

Is the financial information I provide online being protected?

Yes. Donations made online at are transmitted by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), the industry standard for creating an encrypted, secure connection between your web browser and a web server. From there, we use iATS Payments, a company that’s certified by the Payment Card Industry (PCI), to ensure all our online transactions are handled securely. 

Further information is available on the hospital’s Frequently Asked Questions page.