Join the Joseph H. Harris Legacy Circle


Individuals who’ve made a gift in their will to benefit the hospital are honoured members of the Joseph H. Harris Legacy Circle.

When you include Michael Garron Hospital in your future planning, you further the foundation of generosity that began in 1922, when Joseph Henry Harris inspired his fellow East Torontonians to come together and create a community hospital.

“One important way for me to support the hospital beyond volunteering and donating has been deciding, with my late husband, to leave a gift in our wills. Not just because the need is great, and it is, but also because of the sense of satisfaction at doing a good thing.” – Dilys Jones, legacy donor

When you let us know that you’ve included a gift in your will for the hospital, you are welcomed as part of the Joseph H. Harris Legacy Circle, a community of caring members named after one of  our founders.

Like Joseph H. Harris, you have a strong connection with our vibrant community, and you treasure our neighbourhoods with an eye to what the future holds.

And just like him, we stand at an exciting moment in history. Today, our hospital is a leader in community-based healthcare, defined by community, equity, innovation and sustainability. Donors like you make this possible.

Sharing your giving intentions

To join the Joseph H. Harris Legacy Circle and share your giving intentions with us, kindly complete a Will acknowledgment form.

When you let us know that you’ve left a gift in your will, we will keep you informed about all the incredible progress made possible by our donors, connecting you with the community hospital you care about and showing you the impact we are making together.

Together, we can continue to meet the ever-changing healthcare needs of East Toronto well into the future. Thank you for your consideration and kind support.

          Speak with us

Laura Byl
Legacy Giving Manager
Michael Garron Hospital Foundation, 825 Coxwell Avenue Toronto, ON M4C 3E7
Phone: 416-469-6580 ext. 2322

Legacy cover

Legal name: Toronto East Health Network Foundation operating as Michael Garron Hospital Foundation

Charitable registration number: 11925 9448 RR0001