Your Impact

Read about the impact your donation makes on the health of everyone in our community.
Confetti spraying over the audience at the Heart of the East campaign launch

Our Heart of the East campaign kicks off with a $12.5 million announcement

MGH grateful patient donor Patricia Cosway pictured on a balcony

Patricia Cosway’s first experience with Michael Garron Hospital literally saved her life.

Don and Samantha with their baby, Maeve

The support of the Michael Garron Hospital’s special care nursing team helped Don and Samantha make the best of an uncertain situation.

MGH patient Rehana pictured in the operating suites

Lightning may never strike in the same place twice, but sometimes cancer does. Rehana faced a frightening diagnosis twice in a year: first her father’s, then her own. Both times, Michael Garron Hospital gave her family hope.

Drs. John Abrahamson and Mark Daubaras

There’s a long legacy of giving in the Abrahamson family, and it’s a tradition that MGH Chief of Medicine John Abrahamson is happy to continue.

Joan Besen performing

When an injury threatened Joan's ability to play the music she loves, it was the hospital that got her back on her feet again.