Your Impact

Read about the impact your donation makes on the health of everyone in our community.
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We expect to feel grief after losing someone we care about. But what about the feelings that come with other types of loss from COVID-19, like loss of social connection, routines, and normalcy? That’s grief too.

Judy Matos and Rachel Sellitto

In 1980, the need for a durable sailing hat became the birth of the iconic Tilley hat. Now, four decades later, the need for personal protective equipment (PPE) has meant the birth of Tilley's latest project: producing face masks and isolation gowns.

woman and man standing facing camera

For Walter Jones, volunteering was always part of his DNA.


Communication skills are fundamental to wellbeing. Poor communication leaves us feeling disconnected, guilty, dissatisfied and stuck. Effective communication promotes healthy relationships, thoughtful interactions and ease of mind.

healthcare worker wearing mask standing in hospital corridor

Our hospital staff has pulled together in remarkable ways during the COVID-19 pandemic. We asked Tracey Monahan, respiratory therapist, to share her experiences with being redeployed to the COVID-19 Assessment Centre.

Andrew and Joanne’s daughter models a visor and shield made at home

One East Toronto family basement has been transformed into a small-scale 3D printing production line for hospital workers at MGH.

two masked healthcare workers facing the camera

When Mila Alonzo goes in to clean a patient room, she tries to imagine that it’s her mother, father or brother who will be occupying the room. It's a scenario that helps her put a human face on an often overwhelming situation.

man standing in hospital corridor with hand over heart

For Jonathan Russell, a nurse practitioner at Michael Garron Hospital, focusing on the positive is what helps him get through the uncertainty he faces every day. And it starts with patients.

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Intense emotions come along with living through a pandemic. We are a couple months into this one, and you may be noticing some big emotions right now - in yourself, and in others around you. And sometimes, these feel scary.

man wearing mask next to car trunk with boxes

Our community’s response to Michael Garron Hospital’s #1000masks challenge has been nothing short of incredible. And one volunteer has taken it upon himself to keep the momentum going, delivering and picking up fabric and masks right across the city.